QTU Fightback
We are QTU members who want to build a rank and file union movement that fights for us - one that stands up to government, no matter who is in power, and is prepared to use our power as workers, industrial action, to win our demands. Our strength comes from our industrial power as workers - striking and taking industrial action to demand improvements. For too long our union officials have been too cosy to the Labor government, and too afraid to use our industrial strength. This has seen our wages go backwards, our conditions get worse, our workload rise astronomically and our union coverage to go backwards.

Over successive EBs, we have fought for our union to push for an offer that delivers genuine improvements to pay and our conditions - and to reject offers that set us backwards. Shamefully, the QTU executive has repeatedly recommended members accept offers that have allowed the teacher shortage to worsen and our conditions to deteriorate. We need to fight for an EB11 that delivers genuine wage rises ahead of inflation for the life of the agreement, and genuine workload reduction.

In 2023, Fightback led a grassroots campaign in the presidential positions of the QTU. After preference distributions, QTU Fightback secured 44.4 percent of the 6700 votes cast for Honorary Vice-President candidate Rebecca Barrigos, 38.7 percent for Presidential candidate Ollie Amerena and 38.3 percent for Vice-President candidate Tim Arnot. We ran on a platform of above-inflation pay rises and real workload reduction, union leaders being paid only a workers’ wage, improved democracy within the union and an industrial strategy that draws on the power teachers have as workers to shut down schools to secure better pay and conditions.

We are proud rank and file members of the Queensland Teachers' Union - we are dues-paying members, and we encourage you to participate in the discussions in our Facebook group as well as engage in all levels of the union's meeting structures (Branch, Area, State Council and State Conference). We also reserve the right to independently organise as we see fit as members of a democratic union.

This website is administered by committed rank and file members of the QTU who are full-time teachers. No QTU officials or paid employees of the QTU office are part of the administration of this page.

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